Top 10 secure coding practices

DevOps involves integrating development, testing, deployment, and release cycles into a collaborative process. Security is often considered an afterthought, to be inserted just before release. Having the forethought to integrate security throughout the DevOps cycles is known as DevSecOps; and it involves intelligence, situational awareness, and collaboration; secure coding, deployment and management. Always follow to … Read more

Cost Planning in Cloud

Cost planning is an important phase in your design that starts with capacity planning. Capacity planning ensures that you’re matching what you need with what you have before your project kicks off. It helps you deliver work on time, on budget, and on scope. Capacity planning Capacity planning is a continuous, iterative cycle. I recommend … Read more

Build high performance team with DORA and SCORE

DORA and SCORE are two the most powerful frameworks which allows to identify base metrics that measure your DevOps (not only) team performance. The first step to measuring team performance is to define clear and SMART goals for your team. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. These criteria help you to set … Read more

Confidential Computing explained

Confidential Computing (CC) at its core is one of possible approaches to the problem of providing security to the data and code while in-use (that is, being executed / computed / processed in CPU and memory of an IT system). This is critically important, but usually neglected part of the security trinity, complementary to security of code/data in transit and at … Read more

Descheduler on AWS EKS and Azure Kubernetes Services.

Scheduling in Kubernetes is the process of binding pending pods to nodes, and is performed by a component of Kubernetes called kube-scheduler. The scheduler’s decisions, whether or where a pod can or can not be scheduled, are guided by its configurable policy. As Kubernetes clusters are very dynamic and their state changes over time, there … Read more